Harvard University Press Assumes Publication of Health and Human Rights Journal

Cambridge, Mass. (June 18, 2013)— Harvard University Press (HUP) will assume publication of the influential journal Health and Human Rights beginning with Issue 15.1, now online. Announcing the change today, HUP director William P. Sisler and Jennifer Leaning, who as director of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard University serves as the journal’s current publisher, said that the collaboration is designed to extend to the broadest possible audience the journal’s mission of advancing the right to health as an essential human right.
Founded in 1994 by Jonathan Mann and now edited by Paul Farmer, Health and Human Rights: An International Journal (HHR) is an open access, online-only publication dedicated to scholarship and practice that advance health as an issue of human rights and social justice. The journal, which provides a forum for academics, practitioners, and activists from public health, human rights, and related fields to explore how rights-based approaches to health can be implemented, will continue to appear at the URL http://www.hhrjournal.org.
“It’s an honor and a pleasure to unite HUP’s mission ‘to advance knowledge’ with the FXB Center’s mission to advance the right to health throughout the world via this crucial open access journal,” said William P. Sisler. Harvard University Press, which celebrates its centennial in 2013, has long seen the publication of essential works on justice and human rights as part of its core mission, Sisler noted, citing such influential recent books as Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice and Martha Nussbaum’s Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach, as well as John Rawls’s foundational A Theory of Justice.
Jennifer Leaning was equally enthusiastic. “We are delighted that the Harvard University Press, a publisher of global esteem, has acquired the publishing rights for the Health and Human Rights journal. We look forward to a fruitful and productive partnership.”