Report: Adolescents, Rights, and Future Opportunities

UNICEF Working Paper

FXB - Jacqueline Bhabha adolescents report

Jacqueline Bhabha, Director of Research for the FXB Center, has authored a report entitled “Adolescents: current rights for future opportunities,” released in conjunction with UNICEF’s Regional Offices for South Asia (ROSA) and East Asia and the Pacific (EAPRO). The report is the second in a working paper series on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights that will help inform the Second High Level Meeting on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in Asia and the Pacific, to be hosted by the Indian Government’s Ministry of Women and Child Development in New Delhi from October 23-25, 2013.

The First High Level Meeting on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in Asia and the Pacific, held in Beijing in November 2010, promulgated a development model that favors the sharing of knowledge, resources, and skills between developing countries, as opposed to the traditional North-South development model in which resources flow from developed to developing nations. South-South cooperation is premised on the notion that non-industrial countries can provide each other with vital assistance.

In her report, Bhabha argues that despite the advancements of the past decades, adolescents in Asia and the Pacific remain a neglected group to the economic detriment of the region. Young people have distinctive needs and rights, and deserve greater attention from policymakers from both a human rights and economic perspective. Read the full report here.