Statement from FXB Center Director Dr. Mary T. Bassett About Derek Chauvin Verdict
[The following solely represents Dr. Bassett’s views and does not necessarily represent the views of the institution.]
BOSTON, MA – In response to former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin being found guilty of murdering George Floyd, FXB Center Director Dr. Mary T. Bassett issued the following statement:
“Today’s verdict is an important step for individual accountability and justice. But we are not going to end police violence in court rooms, case by case. The problem of police violence is systemic and radical change to our policies and practices is what will truly honor George Floyd and too many others for whom a police encounter proved fatal.
“Each year in the United States, over 1,000 people die at the hands of police. They are more likely to be men, and even more likely to be Black men. Even when unarmed, resistance – real or perceived – from a Black person interacting with the police is far too often a death sentence. This must change. I support efforts to defund the police and call on jurisdictions to examine and rebuild their police departments to value racial equity, justice, and non-violence.”
Veronica Lewin
FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University
Megan Daly
FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University