FXB Center Launches New Video Series Featuring Leading Health and Human Rights Experts

A new online video series from the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University highlights eight leading experts whose work and research focuses on a multitude of structural and societal factors that affect health outcomes. “The Intersection” series features interviews with these experts on how the COVID-19 pandemic has realigned health and human rights priorities and focuses on important policies to advance in the next year.

“The Intersection video series provides a window into how the COVID-19 pandemic has directly impacted the work of health and human rights experts and policy influencers,” said FXB Center Director Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “We are honored to work with these experts to capture a moment in time that will undoubtedly shape how we prioritize public health services and policies as we approach year three of the pandemic.”

“A lot of topics that I’ve always seen as interconnected have coalesced during the pandemic. It’s now clearer to most of us that there are things that are closely connected that we are not in the habit of looking at as being connected,” said Writer and Medical Ethicist Harriet A. Washington in the first episode of the series. “I think the more salient example is the medical fate of people of color during this pandemic. It actually is following a predictable pattern, but a pattern that seems to have caught the health care system in this country off guard, which it shouldn’t have.”

Watch “The Intersection” series on the FXB Center’s YouTube page.