FXB Turns 30!

This year FXB completes 30 years since its founding in 1993. We are taking a moment to mark this milestone, acknowledge the breadth of activities in our community and the continued importance of work that shows how violation of rights harms health. Our programs, from racial justice to distress migration, to our Roma and Palestine programs, are all connected to the idea that we all need both health and rights as a resource for our lives. I wish that I could say that we expect fewer challenges to health and to rights, but all around us is the evidence that the need for our efforts is growing. We therefore seek to create an environment in which scholar activists feel that they have a home and where scholarship is connected to the world in which we live and to the communities that struggle with the burdens of unfair treatment.

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—Dr. Mary T. Bassett, MD, MPH
Director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights