Eastern Congo Teach-in at FXB

Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Date and Time

March 27, 2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Jonathan M. Mann Conference Room & Zoom

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

Location: Jonathan M. Mann Conference Room, FXB Building, 7th Floor, 651 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA or online on Zoom. A Harvard ID is required to attend.

About this event: Join us for a teach-in session shedding light on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where rapid escalation of violence has resulted in the death and abuse of civilians, the massive internal displacement of 7.3 million people-of which 3.7 million are children, and food insecurity affecting 25.4 million people including 13.2 million children.


Sabrina Ebengho

Sabrina Ebengho is a Master of Public Health (MPH) candidate in Health Policy at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She has extensive experience leading health emergency response, vaccination efforts, research, program implementation, and evaluation in the U.S. and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Passionate about health systems strengthening, Sabrina focuses on improving health system performance and maternal and child health outcomes through innovative interventions, research, and policy.
Sabrina Ebengho
Speaker | Joining via Zoom from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fred Bauma

Fred Bauma is a Senior Fellow at the NYU Center on International Cooperation. He is a human rights activist and Executive Secretary of Ebuteli, a research institute based in Kinshasa. Prior to joining Ebuteli, Fred worked as Research Director of the Congo Research Group, a research program based at the Center on International Cooperation at New York University. Fred is also a member of Lutte pour le Changement (LUCHA), the most important pro-democracy society movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He was arrested in March 2015 and spent 18 months in prison, where he faced the death penalty. Amnesty International declared Bauma a prisoner of conscience and awarded LUCHA the Ambassador of Conscience Award in 2016. Fred is also a co-founding member of Afrikki, a network of over 30 movements from Africa and its diaspora. With Jason Stearns, Fred co-hosts Ukombozi podcast, a podcast about African social movements and the worlds they are trying to create. Fred’s recent media appearances include Al Jazeera and RFI.
Fred Bauma
Speaker | Joining via Zoom

Jason Stearns

Jason is a Senior Fellow at the NYU Center on International Cooperation and the Founder and Chair of the Advisory Board of Congo Research Group. He is currently an Assistant Professor of International Studies at Simon Fraser University.

Formerly the Director of CRG, Jason has been working on conflict dynamics in Central Africa since 2001, when he spent a year working for a local human rights group in Bukavu. He has worked for the International Crisis Group, the UN Group of Experts on the DR Congo, and the Rift Valley Institute. He is author of Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa.
Jason Stearns

Speakers’ remarks are based on their own scholarship and experience. As such, they speak for themselves, not for Harvard University.