Escalating Violence and Restrictions on Health in Palestine: An On-the-ground Perspective
Join the FXB Center’s Palestine Program for Health and Human Rights, the An-Najah National University Virtual Exchange Collaborative, and the An-Najah Global Health Institute for a panel discussion around the escalating violence and restrictions on health in Palestine with speakers offering perspectives from their work in the region. A Q&A session will follow presentations by the speakers.
Introductory Remarks:
Dr. Abdulsalam Khayyat, Vice President for Academic Affairs, An-Najah National University
Yara M. Asi, PhD
Benjamin Bouquet, PhD
Maryam Mustafa, Community Health Worker
Ossama Mustafa, Yafa Cultural Center Director of International Relations and Projects
Ossama Mustafa works at the Yafa Cultural Center as a director of international relations and projects. His duty is to meet with international visitors from around the world, to explain the different issues related to the Palestinian cause, and to write project proposals in order to help the center maintain its various activities. He is also an English and French language teacher. He previously worked with the French Institute in Nablus as a pedagogical and administrative coordinator and with Project Hope as a Head Teacher of the English Program taught in the refugee camps of Nablus (West Bank-Palestine). One of his duties was to develop an English curriculum suited to addressing the needs of the Palestinian students in the Nablus region. Moreover, he provides support to English and French teachers by mentoring them on suitable teaching methods. In 2007, he obtained a masters degree in European Studies (Economics, Politics, and Law) from Italy.