New Approaches to Experiential Teaching on Health and Human Rights: Summer in Palestine, Greece, and opportunities for global exchanges

New Approaches to Experiential Teaching on Health and Human Rights

Date and Time

October 13, 2023
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Join us for a discussion on the core pedagogical initiatives of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights and ways you can get involved. Learn more about the following:

Date and Time: Friday, October 13 at 12:00pm – 12:45pm EDT

Location: Zoom – registration required


Natalia Linos, MSc, ScD | FXB Executive Director

Dr. Natalia Linos is a social epidemiologist and the Executive Director of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard. She has over 15 years of experience working at the global and local levels on some of the most pressing public health challenges of our time: from climate change to systemic racism. Since 2019, she has helped build a new research area for the FXB Center focused on racial justice. Along with Dr. Bassett, she co-leads the two largest programs in this area, namely to create an actionable field of scholarship on structural racism and health and make the public health case for reparations. These efforts build on their work together, including at the New York City Health Department and research on the social, legal and political determinants of health.
Dr. Natalia Linos


Vasileia Digidiki, MSc, PhD | Instructor, Director of the Harvard FXB Summer Program on Migration and Refugee Studies

Dr. Vasileia Digidiki is a Harvard Instructor, Director of the Harvard FXB Summer Program on Migration and Refugee Studies, and a Health and Human Rights Fellow. She is a psychologist by training with more than 11 years of experience working on issues of distress migration, human trafficking, victim blaming and child protection and serves as a Senior Associate Editor for the Behavioral Medicine, a Taylor and Francis Publications journal with an impact factor of 2.4.
Vasileia Digidiki

Rebecca Shin, MPA, MEd | Director of the Child Protection Program

Rebecca Shin is the Assistant Director of Operations/Strategy Officer at the FXB Center, where she contributes to program development, operations and administration. After completing her MPA at the Harvard Kennedy School, Shin joined the FXB Center to directly pursue her passion for the human rights space. She is the Director of the Child Protection Program which includes the cross-Harvard certificate program and the G. Barrie Landry Child Protection Professional Training program.
Rebecca Shin