Title 42 and Human Rights Abuses of Haitian Migrants at the Texas Border

Event Flyer

Date and Time

November 9, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Event Recording (Captions Available in English, Spanish, and French)

Event Description

On Tuesday, Nov. 9, the FXB Center will host a webinar, “Title 42 and Human Rights Abuses of Haitian Migrants at the Texas Border.” Title 42 is a clause of the federal Public Health Services Law that allows for expedited removal or denied entry of people who have recently been in a country where a communicable disease was present. During this event, public health and human rights experts will talk about how this clause has negatively affected people attempting to enter the United States, with a special focus on the recent human rights violations against people migrating from Haiti.

Center Director Dr. Mary T. Bassett will provide opening remarks. Live interpretation will be available in Haitian Creole and Spanish.


To register for this event, please click here.


Headshots of event speakers

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