Chinyere Umoga, MPH
Chinyere Umoga is a Ph.D. student in Social and Behavioral Sciences. She received her B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience and Biological Anthropology at Emory University and her M.P.H. in Health Management and Policy at Georgia State University. After receiving her M.P.H., Chinyere worked at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s Child Fatality Review Unit and convened an interdisciplinary state-level child protection team for the prevention of child fatalities. She later led the Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program in focus areas such as child abuse and neglect, traumatic brain injury, child passenger safety, intimate partner violence, and sexual violence. Before starting her doctoral program, she worked with the Georgia Department of Public Health as a Project Director for the Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences, Data to Action grant.
Building on her work in child protection, Chinyere’s research interests include early childhood systems science, life-course perspectives in health equity, emancipatory inquiry, and community-centered research.