Shadiya L. Moss, PhD, MPH

Dr. Shadiya L. Moss is a social epidemiologist and Health and Human Rights Fellow at the FXB Center for Health & Human Rights at Harvard University. Her research focuses on (1) how systemic and structural racism via the carceral state, and racist social policies and practices target the Black family and community, and (2) how these structures further perpetuate racial inequities in health, including psychiatric and substance use health outcomes. Dr. Moss’ doctoral research consisted of assessing the effect of parental incarceration on adolescent substance use and externalizing behaviors, and using a novel methodological approach to reconcile discrepant findings across studies evaluating the relationship between parental incarceration and adolescent substance use.
Dr. Moss completed her PhD in Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University where she was also a pre-doctoral fellow in the Substance Abuse Epidemiology Training Program (T32). She also earned her MPH from the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine and BS in Psychology from Drexel University. Prior to her doctoral training, Dr. Moss conducted community-based participatory research related to psychiatric and substance use outcomes, and cancer survivorship in affiliation with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, and Temple University.