Officer Patrick Glynn
Lieutenant Detective Patrick Glynn is a thirty-four year veteran of the Quincy Police Department and the Commander of The Special Investigations and Narcotics Units. L/DT Glynn has been training police officers for the past twenty-five years. He is a Senior Staff Instructor for The Municipal Police Training Committee, presenter for numerous community groups, and current adjunct faculty for Eastern Nazarene College. He is a founding member of the Norfolk County Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. In addition, he is the director of the “The Quincy Naloxone Program,” has spoken throughout the country on the “Quincy Model” and received The 2013 President’s “Advocate for Action Award”, presented by ONDCP, the 2014 “Gary P. Hayes Award”, presented by The Police Executive Research Forum and the 2012 Quincy “Community Hero Award.”
L/DT is a member of the Norfolk County High Risk Domestic Violence Assessment Team, a member of the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence which developed the Domestic Violence Toolkit for Governor Baker’s office and assisted in developing the new 2017 state-wide Domestic Violence guidelines.
Lt/D Glynn holds a BS in Human Services from New Hampshire College and a MA in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College, Paxton Massachusetts.