Field-Based Research
Adolescent Resilience, Health, and Security Following Disasters in Asia
The health and safety of adolescents affected by emergencies is an increasingly critical issue, often neglected in research and policy. This study will provide innovative findings on the social determinants of health and security in disaster-affected populations, highlight opportunities for intervention across the fields of health and education, and provide an opportunity for field-operation skills training.
Conducted in collaboration with the University of Western Australia, Kunming Medical University, the Centre for Victims of Torture Nepal, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, this research study will investigate the longer-term impacts of natural disaster on adolescent health and development, determine the specific mechanisms for resilience, and highlight challenges to adolescent security. The study will be conducted in disaster-affected regions of China and Nepal, and comprise two phases: 1) A qualitative needs assessment, and 2) A quantitative survey of adolescent resilience, health and security.
Building on existing evidence from the region, the aim of the needs assessment is to determine specific mental health, safety, and education needs for adolescents affected by disaster. Focus groups and key informant interviews will be conducted in each country with 1) experts and professionals working in the field, 2) adolescents, and 3) caregivers. The findings emerging from key stakeholder interviews will inform the methodology and measures selection for a large-scale cross-sectional study to follow.